头衔 小混混
ivy | 门派 秋林拾叶 职务 总舵主 人物等级 炉火纯青 江湖威望 +8 江湖阅历 30 门派贡献 1507 实战经验 22561 文章 534 注册 05-01-09 22:36
发表 2005-07-26 10:47:33 人气:390
format: #tabadd {word}
Adds a word to the end of the tab completion list.
See also: #tabdelete, #retab, #tablist, #tabsave, tab.txt
format: #tabdelete {word}
Deletes a word from the tab completion list.
See also: #tabadd, #retab, #tablist, #tabsave, tab.txt
format: #tablist
Displays all words in the tab completion list.
See also: #tabadd, #tabdelete, #retab, #tabsave, tab.txt
format: #tabsave [tab_completion_file]
Save the current tab list into the tab completion file (default is tab.txt).
See also: #retab, #tabadd, #tabdelete, #tablist
format: #telnet {number} #telnet {telnet sequence symbol}
Send the telnet sequence.
#telnet AYT <== send AYT (are you there) to the host, MudOS will reply [-YES-], other hosts may vary
#telnet ? <== request help, advanced users c.f. telnet RFC for details
See also: #ping2, #raw
format: #textin {filename}
Textin now allows the user to read in a file, and send its contents directly
to the mud. Useful for doing online creation, or message writting.
#read will parse tintin commands and alias et al, and interprete the 1st char as
TINTIN_CHAR, #textin will not do any parsing.
See also: #read
format: #tick
Show seconds until next tick.
See also: #tickoff, #tickon, #tickset, #ticksize, #action
format: #tickoff
Turn off the tintin++ built in tick counter.
See also: #tick, #tickon, #tickset, #ticksize, #action
format: #tickon
Turn on the tintin++ built in tick counter.
#ticksize 5
#action {^#TICK!!!} {some-actions...}
See also: #tick, #tickoff, #tickset, #ticksize, #action
format: #tickset
Turn on the tintin++ tickcounter, and set time until next tick equal
to tick size.
See also: #tickoff, #tickon, #tick, #ticksize, #action
format: #ticksize number
Set a new time, in seconds, between ticks for the tintin++ tickcounter.
See also: #tickoff, #tickon, #tickset, #tick, #action
format: #tolower var text
Just like the #variable command, only it converts the text
to lowercase before assigning it to the variable.
See also: #toLower, #toupper, #toUpper
format: #toLower var text
Example: #toLower v1 {ABCD EFG} <== v1 is now {aBCD EFG}
See also: #tolower, #toupper, #toUpper
format: #toggle {setting} [{absolute_value}]
It is actually both toggle and set
Available toggle settings: #toggle big5 <= handles BIG5 encoding's problem #toggle echo <= same as #echo #toggle ignore <= same as #ignore #toggle presub <= same as #presub #toggle prompt_on #toggle raw <= pernament interactive mode (windows version) see also: #raw, use windows menu to toggle off
Note: when ESC is mapped to boss key, to send real ESC, use ctrl-[. Macroes still works after toggle raw 1, alias only works for actions et al. Interactive mode is temporarily off when no sessions. #toggle redraw <= same as #redraw #toggle skiptelnetseq <= by default, yTin handles most telnet sequence specified by telnet RFCs. skiptelnetseq=1: skip local/remote echo negotiation skiptelnetseq=2: skip termtype negotiation more to come if needed ... Example: #toggle skiptelnetseq 3 (3=1+2) will skip termtype and echo negotiation #toggle speedwalk <= same as #speedwalk #toggle stripcolor <= toggle if stripcolor before action or not #toggle ticker_in_split <= disable the ticker on split line #toggle togglesubs <= same as #togglesubs #toggle verbatim <= same as #verbatim
It is recommended to use #toggle command when it is available,
in later version other old commands that can be replaced by toggle
might be no longer available.
format: #togglesubs
Toggle whether substitutes should be ignored. If subs are ignored,
text will not be checked for subs, but highlights will still be
checked for.
See also: #substitute, #highlight
format: #toupper var text
Just like the #variable command, only it converts each character in the text
to uppercase before assigning it to the variable.
See also: #toUpper, #tolower, #toLower
format: #toUpper var text
Example: #toUpper v1 charlie <== v1 is now {Charlie}
See also: #toupper, #tolower, #toLower
format: #unaction {string} #unaction string
Remove action(s) from the action list which match {string}. The
'*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text.
See help wildcard.
#unaction {%0tells you%1}
remove the action that is triggered by '%0tells you%1'
#unaction *
remove all actions
#unaction {*massacre*}
remove all actions that contain the word 'massacre'
See also: #action, #message action
format: #unalias {word} #unalias word
Remove alias(es) from the alias list which match {word}. The
'*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text.
See help wildcard.
#unalias {bbb}
remove the alias 'bbb'
#unalias *
remove all aliases
#unalias {*go*}
remove all aliases that contain the fragment 'go'
See also: #alias, #message alias
format: #unantisubstitute {string} #unantisubstitute string
Remove antisub(s) from the antisub list which match {string}. The
'*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text.
See help wildcard.
#unantisub {%0tells you%1}
remove the antisub for '%0tells you%1'
#unantisub *
remove all antisubs
#unantisub {^You*}
remove all antisubs that start with '^You'
See also: #antisubstitute
format: #ungag {string} #ungag string
Exactly the same as #unsubstitute, '#help unsubstitute' for info.
See also: #gag, #unsubstitute
format: #unsubstitute {string} #unsubstitute string
Remove substitute(s) from the substitute list which match {string}. The
'*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text.
See help wildcard.
#unsub {%0tells you%1}
remove the sub for '%0tells you%1'
#unsub *
remove all subs
#unsub {^You*}
remove all subs that start with '^You'
See also: #ungag, #substitute, #gag
format: #unhighlight {string} #unhighlight string
Remove highlight(s) from the highlight list which match {string}. The
'*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text.
See help wildcard.
#unhigh {%0tells you%1}
remove the highlight for '%0tells you%1'
#unhigh *
remove all highlights
#unhigh {^You*}
remove all highlights that start with '^You'
See also: #highlight
see also: #macro, #boss, #alias, #unalias
format: #unpath
Remove the most recent move from the current path.
See also: #path
format: #unpurist
This currently works for Windows version or split mode under Unix version.
Enable the default "local echo" mode. Commands typed will show locally.
See also: #purist
format: #unsplit
Exit split mode, and set the screen back to its default terminal settings.
See also: #split
format: #unvariable {variable name} #unalias variable name
Remove variable(s) from the variable list which match {variable name}. The
'*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text.
See help wildcard.
#unvar {hp}
remove the variable $hp
#unvar *
remove all variables
#unvariable {xx*}
remove all variables that start with 'xx'
See also: #variable, #message variable
format: #variable {<variable_name>} {<text to fill variable>}
There are a few kind of variables for your convenience:
default variable _: it is used to hold some return values of function like commands. Example: #strlen {abcd}, after that, $_ is 4.
local variables: regular variables that does not begin with _. (exception: default variable _ is local variable.) example: $v1, $v2{$u}, ${Tom Clap}
global variables: variables that begin with _ and longer than 1. Example: _id is shared by all sessions in the same yTin window. It is useful to pass variables between sessions and/or keep variable when one session died.
pseudo/system variables: _random: a random number from 0-MAXRANDOM. _clock: time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970. _time/time: time in seconds, since this copy of yTin started running. _msec: time in milli-seconds, since this copy of yTin started running. HOME: the $HOME environment under Unix/Windows The reason call it pseudo variable is: #variable command does not show it correctly, and you cannot overwrite the value. Whenever this variable get parsed, it will be the system value. For example, "#var HOME" does not show there is a variable "HOME", while "#showme $HOME" will show the correct value.
Since these are completely new to tintin, and act differently
than anything else, I feel should spend some time on them.
These variables differ from the %0-9 in the fact that you could
specify a full word as a variable name, and they stay in memory for
the full session, unless they are changed, and they can be saved in
the coms file, and can be set to different values if you have 2 or
more sessions running at the same time. One of the best uses for
variables I think is for spellcasters.
Currently, you would set up a bunch of aliases like the following.
#alias {flame} {cast 'flame strike' %0}
#alias {flash} {cast 'call lightning' %0}
#alias {harm} {cast 'harm' %0}
With the new variables you can do the following:
#alias {targ} {#var target %0}
#alias {flamet} {flame $target}
#alias {flasht} {flash $target}
#alias {harmt} {harm $target}
these aliases will be defined just as they are written, the variables
are not substituted for until the alias is found in your input and
so, if before a battle, you do a:
targ donjonkeeper
then $target is set to donjonkeeper, and any alias you set up with
$target in it will substitute donjonkeeper for every instance of
$target. Let's say your leader has the following alias set up.
#alias {setttarg} {#var {target} {%0};gt target=%0}
if he did a settarg lich, it would set his $target to lich, and
would send a:
<name> tells your group 'target=lich'
you could then set an action like so.
#action {^%0 tells your group 'target=%1'} {targ %1}
then when your leader executed his alias, it would also set your
variable to the target.
Another use for variables would be to set a variable $buffer to
whoever the current buffer is. This would be useful in fights
where the mob switches, or where many rescues are needed. You
could set up healing aliases with $buffer in them, and set the
$buffer variable in an action that is triggered by each switch,
and each rescue, or just rescues, or whatever. Then in a
confusing battle, you will have a better shot at healing the
right person.
See also: #math, #var2alias, #unvariable
format: #var2alias {alias_to_assign} {$variable_to_convert}
example: #variable {hi} {good morning!} #variable {test_var} {tell chitchat $hi;tell chitchat help} #var2al {test_alias} {$test_var}
Alias {test_alias} now is: {tell chitchat $hi;tell chitchat help} #var2al {test_alias} {$test_var wanted!}
Alias {test_alias} now is: {tell chitchat $hi;tell chitchat help wanted!}
See also: #al2variable, #alias, #variable
format: #verbatim
Toggle verbatim mode on and off. When in verbatim mode, text will not be
parsed, and will be sent 'as is' to the mud. Tab completion and history
scrolling are still available in verbatim mode. It is helpful for writing
messages, doing online creation, and the like.
Shortcut is the TINTIN_CHAR, default is #, some others like to set it to . or /
See also: #textin
format: #version
Show the version number of tintin++ that you are currently running.
New from 1.80e3: will also force telnet terminal type.
format: #while {CONDITION} {COMMANDS}
Please be cautious not to create infinite loops. :D
#var {counter} {256}
#while {$counter > 1} {#showme {$counter} ; #math {counter} {$counter /
format: #wizlist
Lists the names of people who helped with with mudding, and with the client.
If you feel your name should be here, let me know, so many people have
contributed, and it's hard to name everyone.
format: #write {filename} #write filename
Writes all current actions, aliases, subs, antisubs, highlights, and
variables to a coms file, specified by filename.
See also: #writesession
format: #writesession {filename} #writesession filename
Write all current actions, aliases, subs, antisubs, highlights, and
variables that are specific to your current session to a file. This
means actions that were not defined when there was no session active.
See also: #write
format: #zap
Kill your current session. If there is no current session, it will cause
the program to terminate.
See also: #end
format: #suspend
Unix only (buggy?):
Temporarily suspends tintin++ and returns you to your shell. The
effect of this command is exactly as if you had typed control-z.
To return to tintin++, type "fg" at the shell prompt.
NOTE: #wildcard is not a TinTin command, this is just a help on using wildcard.
format: #command {regexp}
You may use wildcards with certain commands such as #alias, #action,
#substitute, #unalias, etc. In commands like #alias, wildcards are
only valid when you use exactly one argument. Wildcards are always
valid for commands like #unalias. The only wildcard currently
supported is *, which matches any string 0 or more characters long.
The wildcard meaning of * may be escaped using the backslash, \.
#action {*miss*} shows all actions which contain the word miss in them
#unaction {*miss*} removes all actions which contain the word miss in them
#unaction {\*\*\* PRESS RETURN:} removes the action which triggers on the line *** PRESS RETURN:
Many thanks to Spencer Sun for letting me steal some code for this...
If anyone is interested in having full ls-style regexps, email me
and maybe it'll be included in 2.0.
format: #setprompt {string}
SetPrompt is a feature for split window mode (see #help split), which
will take the status prompt from the mud, and display it on the status
line of the split window. You would define <string> the same way you
would an action (see #help action).
See also: #clearprompt
Windows: setprompt set the string on the status_bar at the bottom of window.
format: #clearprompt
Unix only:
ClearPrompt will turn off the prompt display to the split window.
See also: #setprompt
Command: revstring - reverses a string/stores it backwards
Syntax: #revstring {dest var} {string}
Example: #revs myname Happy Iny <-- stores 'ynI yppaH' in the variable 'myname'
Command: getlistlength - returns the length of a list
Syntax: #getlistlength {dest var} {list}
Example: #variable alignlist {1 2 3} #getl Length {$alignlist} <--- returns 3 in the Length variable
Another Example: #delimiter {;;} #var list {n;e;s;;get all;n;;e;e;s} #getl Length $list
The delimiter ";;" breaks the $list into: {n;e;s}, {get all;n} and {e;e;s}
three parts, thus Length variable is now 3.
See also: #delimiter, #getitemnr
Command: getitemnr - retrieves specified element from a list (NEW)
Syntax: #getitemnr {destination variable} {item number start from 0} {list}
Example: #geti {dothis} {1} {smile {say Hi!} flip bounce} <--- sets dothis to 'say Hi!'
Example: #getl Length {$rndsocial};#math itemnr $_random//$Length;#geti temp {$itemnr} {$rndsocial};{$temp} (will perform a random social from the 'rndsocial' list)
Another Example: #delimiter {;;} #var list {n;e;s;;get all;n;;e;e;s} #geti {item2} {1} {$list}
The delimiter ";;" breaks the $list into: {n;e;s}, {get all;n} and {e;e;s}
three parts, thus the {item2} variable is now: {get all;n}
See also: #delimiter, #getlistlength
Command: unfunction - remove a function
Syntax: #unfunction {func name}
See also: #function
Command: result - write a string to the function buffer
Syntax: #result {-result-}
Example: #func {ctof} {#math result %0*9/5+32;{#result $result degrees fahrenheit};#unvar result} #showme 30 degrees celsius equals @ctof{30}.
Example: #func {ftoc} {#math result (%0-32)*5/9;{#result $result degrees celsius};#unvar result} #showme 80 degrees fahrenheit equals @ftoc{80}.
See also: #function
~*EOF* |
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yTin++相关资料. (ivy,6955,2005-07-26 10:36:39) | help available on th... (ivy,281,2005-07-26 10:38:37) | ~ACTIONformat:... (ivy,1896,2005-07-26 10:43:52) | ~LOGformat:... (ivy,295,2005-07-26 10:45:01) | ~TABADDformat:... (ivy,390,2005-07-26 10:47:33) |