| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
help available on the following: action alias al2variable all antisubstitute bell boss cd char chr clearprompt cr decrypt delimiter echo encrypt end fclose feof fgets fopen forall fputs fread fseek function fwrite gag GBfilter getitemnr getlistlength help highlight history if ifexist ifmatch ignore info killall log loop macro map mark math message nop ord path pathdir pause ping2 presub purge purist raw read redraw remove rename result retab return revstring savepath session setprompt showme sleep slow snoop speedwalk split stripansi strlen strncmp strstr substitute strrchr substr suspend system/system2 syscat sysecho tabadd tabdelete tablist tabsave telnet textin tick tickoff tickset ticksize tolower/toLower toggle togglesubs toupper/toUpper unaction unalias unantisubstitute unfunction ungag unhighlight unmacro unpath unpurist unsplit unsubstitute unvariable variable var2alias verbatim version while wildcard wizlist write writesession zap |
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~ACTION format: #action [{string}] [{command(s)}] [{priority}] The [] signify optional arguments. Have the client search for a certain string of text from the mud, if the client receives that string, it will execute the command(s). Variables %0-9 are substituted from the input string, and can be used in the command(s) side of the command. Previously, all actions were stored alphabetically in the list, which meant that some of the important actions could exist at the end of the list (which could result in slow reaction times for those actions). Priorities have been added to actions now. The third parameter of the command will tell how important tintin should reguard this action (0 most important, 9 least important). If no priority is given, a default value of 5 is assigned. if the string to be searched for starts with a ^, only the beginning of the line will be searched. If #action is typed with no arguments, all actions defined are listed. If #action is typed with only one argument, actions defined that match that argument are displayed. The * character is valid in this case to use as a 'wildcard'. See help wildcard. examples: #action {Grimmy has arrived} {smile grimmy} {2} If Grimmy enters the room, you will automatically smile at her. The priority setting of two, means that it should be stored close to the top of the list. (all actions with 1 and 0 set for priorities will be checked before this one). #action {^TICKCOUNTER: 5 seconds} {sleep} {0} Since this string is 'anchored', it will only be triggered if it starts at the beginning of a line. If your mud has a tickcounter set up like this, this action will make you sleep at 5 seconds to tick. #action list all actions #action *tell* list all actions with the word 'tell' in them. One of the important usage of action's priority is: Suppose u have: #action {dangerous_message} {quit} Then u see this message: XXX tell you: dangerous_message To avoid the confusion, u can add another higher priority action: #action {tell you: } {#nop} {4} See also: #unaction, #ignore, #substitute, #presub, #toggle stripcolor, #message action ~ALIAS format: #alias [{word}] [{command(s)}] #alias [word] [command] the [] signify optional arguments. Define a word that actually means a longer string. Useful for commands repeated often, or commands that are very lengthy. You can have multiple commands aliased to a single word, if you enclose the alias in {}. If the command(s) include variables %0-9, these are substituted as part of the parsing. %0 is set to all text after the word was input, %1 is set to the first word following the aliased word, and %2 is the second, and so on. If the #alias command is typed without any arguments, all aliases defined will be listed. If the #alias command is typed with only 1 argument, occurrences matching the input string are shown. The * character is valid in this word to act as a 'wildcard'. See help wildcard. examples: #alias gb get bread bag typing gb at the prompt would be sent as 'get bread bag'. #alias ws {wake;stand} since ws aliases a multiple command, you must use the braces. #alias heal cast 'heal' %1 typing 'heal valgar' at the prompt would be sent as 'cast 'heal' valgar' since it will put the word valgar into %1 #alias list all aliases #alias he* list all aliases that start with the letters 'he' See also: #unalias, #al2variable, #var2alias, #message alias ~AL2VARIABLE format: #al2var {variable_to_assigne} {alias_to_convert} example: #alias test_alias {tell chitchat hi;tell chitchat question} #al2var test_var test_alias Then the variable test_var is now: {tell chitchat hi;tell chitchat question} Useful for process the alias, then after process, convert variable to alias. See also: #var2alias, #variable, #alias ~ALL format: #all {string} #all string Send a command to all active sessions. example: #all {shout I'm multicharing!} See also: #session ~ANTISUBSTITUTE format: #antisubstitute {string} #antisubstitute string Will cause any line that contains the string specified to not be checked for substitutes and gags. The ^ char starting a string will tell the client to only antisubstitute lines that START with the string specified. examples: #antisub {^You} any line starting with 'You' will not be checked for subs. #antisub {^You%0hit.} lines that start with 'You', and also contain 'hit.' will not be subbed. #antisub {annihilate} any line that contains the word 'annihilate' will not be subbed. See also: #substitute ~BELL format: #bell [level=5] #bell threshold [threshold] sends a beep to your terminal when level>=threshold. default level and threshold are all 5. #bell option [option] [frequency] [duration] This option is for windows only: 0: soundcard, 1: speaker. For speaker, user can specify the frequency (all) and duration (not for 95/98/Me) of the beep. example: #action {tells you} {#bell} #action {you are in danger!!!} {#bell 9} In normal case, both action will chime you. Now you only want the 2nd case to send u a beep: #bell threshold 6 Since #bell == #bell 5 is below the threshold 6, only the second action will send a real beep. ~BOSS format: #boss [passwd] Unix: puts some fake text on your screen so nobody knows you're mudding. Windows: will hide all the yTin windows and the windows that you specified in View/Options menu. If add passwd, u need the same passwd to re-open all the hidden windows later. Default hehavior is send #boss command when ESC is hit. If one wants to add a hot key to send #boss some-command, use macro. See also: #macro ~CHAR format: #char character lets you redefine your tintin_character, the character that starts all commands. example: #char / all commands must then start with a /, instead of a #. If you load a script file, the first character of the file is set to your tintin char. See also: #verbatim ~CHR format: #chr {string} {number} Note: this command is from Perl. example: #chr {ctrlG} {7} This will assign ascii char 7 to variable ctrlG, when u send out $ctrlG, u actually send out a beep (^G). another example: #chr {_ESC} {39} #var {_RED} {${_ESC}[31m} This will assign 27 (Escape key, or ^[) to variable _ESC, and assing ^[[33m, which is ansi color of RED, to variable _RED. See also: #ord ~CR format: #cr [option] Without option, it sends a carriage return to the session. Useful for aliases that needs carriage returns. With the option as 0-3, it sets the terminating string of each line sent to MUD. Default of yTin is now 0("\n"). (Save 1 byte of net traffic?) Available options are: 0("\n") 1("\r") 2("\r\n") 3("\n\r") . Another usage is: #cr ? This shows what is current settings now. NOTE: If you want to edit some file in some versions of MudOS (suppose you are a wizard), make sure to use #cr 2 change to TinTin++'s default. See also: #raw ~CTOI (For Chinese GB code only) format: #ctoi {x} {y} converts chinese GB code y to digits. Later version will also converts chinese direction east/west et al to e,w,s,n,... (not implemented yet) Can be disabled in compile option. (get rid of "-DCHINESE" flag) #example: #ctoi {x} {三千四百五十一} x will be 3451 See also: #variable, #math ~DECRYPT format: #decrypt <string> Decrypt the password encrypted with the command #encrypt, it is just a simple protection. Example: #encrypt security Ytin will show you the string: LY,[CC7ZLIH Now you can relatively safely store your password in your tintinrc file: #var passwd {LY,[CC7ZLIH} When the MUD ask you for password, u can type (mostly using #action): #decrypt $passwd yTin made some effort to forbid any future use of #decrypt in the same session later. (note: the effort here is just to forbid others to know your exact password and/or change your password, if you write your password into tintinrc file, others can still login using your script if they got the file.) See also: #encrypt ~DELIMITER format: #delimiter [<string>] specify the delimiter string for splitting the items, default is " " (space) See also: #getlistlength, #getitemnr, #forall ~ECHO format: #echo Obsoleted by #toggle echo. Echo is used to see what actions are being triggered. #echo toggles this feature on and off. See also: #toggle echo, #action ~ENCRYPT format: #encrypt <password> yTin will show you the encrypted password. See also: #decrypt ~END format: #end Unix: terminate tintin++ and return to unix. On most systems, ctrl-C has the same effect. Windows: Try to avoid this command unless have to, buggy in some occasion. See also: #zap ~FCLOSE format: #fclose {FILE} FILE is $_ from #fopen. the variable _ is assigned to 0 if successful, non-zero if failed. See help on C function: int fclose(FILE* stream); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FEOF format: #feof {FILE} FILE is $_ from #fopen. The variable _ is assigned to 1 if end of file or invalid FILE, otherwise 0. See help on C function: int feof(FILE* stream); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FGETS format: #fgets {buffer} {int limit} {FILE} FILE is $_ from #fopen. The variable _ is set to 0 if fail, non-zero if successful. If n>=2048, n will be reduced to 2048. See help on C function: char *fgets( char *string, int n, FILE *stream ); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FORALL format: #forall {list} {command} Note: this command is modified since v1.82b3, to be able to change delimiter, as a result, default delimiter changed from "," to " ". Example: if delimiter is still default " ", #forall {monster devil {mighty knight} target} {kill %0} will be same as: kill monster;kill devil;kill mighty knight;kill target #delim {,} #forall {a,b,c c,d} {#show %0} will show "a", "b", "c c" and "d". See also: #delim, #geti, #getl ~FPUTS format: #fputs {string} {FILE} FILE is $_ from #fopen. The variable _ is set to a non - negative number on success, or -1 on error. string length is limited to 2048. See help on C function: int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FOPEN format: #fopen {filename} {mode} The variable _ is assigned to a FILE pointer that was opened if successful, 0 if failed. Example: #fopen {test.dat} {a+} #var {FilePointer} {$_} ... ... #fclose {$FilePointer} For detailed help on the fopen, see the C help file on: FILE *fopen( const char *filename, const char *mode ); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FREAD format: #fread {buffer} {1} {length) {FILE} FILE is $_ from #fopen. The variable _ is set to the number of items successfully read. If an error occurs, or the end-of-file is reached, the return value is a short item count (or zero). fread does not distinguish between end-of-file and error length is limited to 2048. See help on C function: size_t fread( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FSEEK format: #fseek {FILE} {offset} {start_position} FILE is $_ from #fopen. start_position must be one of SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END, SEEK_SET. The variable _ is set to 0 if successful, non-zero on fail. See help on C function: int fseek( FILE *stream, long offset, int origin ); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~FUNCTION A new list type which I decided to call functions. These are a mixture of aliases and variables. The following examples will have to do to explain how to use functions: Example: #function {rnd} {#math temp ($_random//(%2-%1+1))+%1;#result {$temp};#unvar temp} #showme A random number between 0 and 100: @rnd{0 100} Functions are treated much like variables. Their value is a command-line which is executed, and the functions are substituted by the parameter last sent to the #result command Example: #function {lastfuncresult} {#nop} #showme Last use of a function gave @lastfuncresult as result. See also: #result, #unfunction ~FWRITE format: #fwrite {string} {1} {length) {FILE} FILE is $_ from #fopen. The variable _ is set to the number of items successfully written. If an error occurs, or the end-of-file is reached, the return value is a short item count (or zero). length is limited to 2048; you cannot write bytes that contains '\0' either. See help on C function: size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~GAG format: #gag {string} A shortcut for #substitute {string} {}, Instruct yTin not to show any line that contains the string. NOTE: #toggle presub 0 or 1 will decide if substituted/gagged message will trigger actions. See also: #substitute, #presub, #action ~GBfilter format: #GBfilter [? | 0 | {string}] Only for GB chinese code. Filters the "string" between chinese characters. Common use is: #GBfilter { } NOTE: Might be obsolete after a universal "filter" command is implemented. See also: #ctoi ~HELP format: #help [command] get a listing of commands, or get help and a specific command. ~HIGHLIGHT format: #highlight [{type}] [{string}] #highlight [type] [{string}] The [] signify optional arguments. The higlight command is used to allow you to highlight strings of text from the mud. The possible types are bold, reverse, faint, italic, blink, or a number between 1 and 8. The numbers correspond to colors 1 through 8 of your color pallette. New to v1.5, you can now use the color names as well as the old convention of #'s for colors. Valid color names include: red, blue, cyan, green, yellow, magenta, white, grey, black, brown, charcoal, light red, light blue, light cyan, light magenta, light green, b red, b blue, b cyan, b green, b yellow, b magenta, b white, b grey, b black, b brown, b charcoal, b light red, b light blue, b light cyan, b light magenta, b light green, bold, faint, blink, italic, reverse The %0-9 variables can be used as 'wildcards' that will match with any text. They are useful for highlighting a complete line. You may start the string to highlight with a ^ to only highlight text if it begins the line. Note: This command is only compatible with ANSI/VT100 terminals or emulators. examples: #high {reverse} {Valgar} print every occurrence of 'Valgar' in reverse video #high {6} {%0tells you%1} print every complete line that contains 'tells you' in color 6 #high bold {^You} boldface any 'You' that starts a line #high {red, blink} {Grimne} each time the word Grimne appeared, it's be shown in a blinking red color. ~HISTORY format: #history The history command will display a listing of the most recent keyboard input. Example, when you type #his, yTin will show: 0 #help verb 1 #cr ? 2 test 3 help 4 say yes? 5 reply no 6 #his Then !3 will send "help" to mud, !1 will send "#cr". You can also type "!sa", this will search back and send "say yes?". ~IF format: #if {conditional} {command(s)} #if {conditional} {command(s)} else {else-command} The if command is one of the most powerful commands added since TINTINv3. It works similar to an if statement in other languages, and is loosely based on the way C handles its conditional statements. When an if command is encountered, the conditional statement is evaluated, and if TRUE (any non-zero result) the command(s) are executed; if FALSE (0), the else-command will be executed if there is "else {else-command}" followed. The if statement is only evaluated if it is read, so you must nest the if statement inside another statement (most likely an action command). The conditional is evaluated exactly the same as in the math command, only instead of storing the result, the result is used to determine whether to execute the command(s). '#help math' for more information. New: #if now also compares string, so the #ifstrequal command is obsolte. The string comparison is marked in [ ] pair. examples: #action {%0 gives you %1 gold coins} {#if {%%1>5000} {thank %%0}} if someone gives you more than 5000 coins, thank them. the %%1 and %%0 belong to the action, and not to the if, and that is why the double % are needed. RULE: each { } pair will need one more % to match. #action {^<hp:%0 } {#if {%%0<100} {flee}} If your status prompt is of the form <hp:100 ma:50 mo:100>, this action will get your hit points, compare them to 100, if less than 100, flee #alias {walk} {#if {[%%0=1]}{#4 s;#2 e;enter};#if {[%%0=2]}{out;#2 w;#4 n};#if {[%%0=] || [%%0=help]}{#show 1: From camp to city, 2: From city to camp}} See also: #math, #ifexist, #ifmatch ~IFEXIST format: #ifexist {var_name} {command-1} #ifexist {var_name} {command-1} else {command2} This checks if the variable named "var_name" exists. Example: #ifexist {food} {eat $food} else {eat bread} #ife {leader} {say My leader is $leader!} else {say I have no leader!} See also: #if, #ifmatch, #variable, #unvariable ~IFMATCH Command: ifmatch - checks a string for a mask containing text and *'s Syntax: #ifmatch {mask} {string} {do this} else {do this instead} Example: #ifm {*Iny*} {This is a test string: Iny!} {#shomwe Works fine!} else {#showme Call 911 - the procedure doesn't work!} See also: #if, #ifexist ~IGNORE format: #ignore Toggle actions on and off. If off, no actions will be checked for. Same as #toggle ignore, this command won't be obsolte. NEW: ignore now sets absolute value: #ignore 1 set actions off #ignore 0 turn actions on See also: #action ~INFO format: #info Displays the number of actions, aliases, variables, substitues, antisubstitutes, and highlights for the current session. If no session is active, then the statistics on the defaults are given. ~KILLALL format: #killall Killall deletes all aliases, actions, subs, antisubs, highlights, variables in one fell swoop. Useful now, so you don't have to exit yTin to load up a new coms file. |
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~LOG format: #log {filename} [{option}] Log messages in/out of the session to a file, if the file is in a directory other than current, #log will try to create the last layer of directory for you. Suggestion: always use an empty #log command to stop previous log event. Example: #log 1.log <== #OK. LOGGING..... (RAWMODE=0) #log 2.log + <== #OK. LOGGING..... (RAWMODE=0 APPEND) -- log appended to file #log <== #OK. LOGGING TURNED OFF. #log 1.raw 1 <== #OK. LOGGING..... (RAWMODE=1) -- logs TELNET sequence as well #log 2.raw 1+ <== #OK. LOGGING..... (RAWMODE=1 APPEND) -- guess ;-) See also: #sysecho ~LOOP format: #loop {start,finish} {command(s)} Like a for-next loop, will loop from start to finish incrementing or decrementing by 1 each time through. The value of the loop variable is places in %0, and can be used in the command(s). If start>finish, it will loop backwards. examples: #loop {1,3} {get all %0.corpse} equivalent to the following: get all 1.corpse;get all 2.corpse;get all 3.corpse #var n 3 #loop {$n,1} {drop %0.key} equivalent to drop 3.key;drop 2.key;drop 1.key See also: #forall ~MACRO format: #macro {keycode1, keycode2} {macro_to_be_done} #macro 1 Example: #macro {67, 47} {go west} #macro {24, 47} {go east} 1st line means when Numlock, press '7' on Numpad will send go west, 2nd line means when nun-unlock, press '7' on Numpad will send go east. Currently Alt/Ctrl/Shift states are not detected. #macro 1 ==> dynamicly test the keycodes for the key u pressed, press ESC key to back to normal mode. See also: unmacro ps: Macros under unix is underway (thinking about compatibility with Windows). See also: #boss ~MAP format: #map {direction} Will add a direction to the end of the current path. Useful for mapping while following someone. example: #action {$leader leaves %0.} {#map {%%0}} if the person stored in $leader leaves the room, the direction is added to the end of the path. ~MARK format: #mark Clear the path list and start the new path at your current location. ~MATH format: #math {variable} {expression} Performs math functions and stored the result in a variable. The math follows a C-like precedence, as follows, with the top of the list having the highest priority. Operators Function ------------------------------------------------ ! logical not ------------------------------------------------ // modulate (% in most languate, we use // to avoid confusion with variables) / integer divide * integer multiply ------------------------------------------------ + integer addition - integer subtraction ------------------------------------------------ > greater than (result is non-zero or zero) >= greater than or equal (result is non-zero or zero) < less than (result is non-zero or zero) <= less than or equal (result is non-zero or zero) = or == equals (result is non-zero or zero) != not equal (result is non-zero or zero) ------------------------------------------------ & or && logical and (result is non-zero or zero) | or || logical or (result is non-zero or zero) ------------------------------------------------ Note: currently &, | are logic and/or, but please use && and ||, future version might make &, | to bitwise and/or. True is any non-zero number, and False is zero. In the expression, you may use T and F as true and false. Parentheses () have highest precedence, so inside the parentheses is always evaluated first. examples: #math {heals} {$mana/40} Assuming there is a variable $mana, divide its value by 40 and store the result in $heals. #action {^You receive %0 experience} {updatexp %0} #alias updatexp {#math {xpneed} {$xpneed-%%0}} Let's say you have a variable which stores xp needed for your next level. The above will modify that variable after every kill, showing the amount still needed. See also: #variable, #if ~MESSAGE format: #message {type} This will toggle off and on the messages dealing with a certain type of command. The possible message types are alias, action, antisub, sub variable, and highlight. This is very helpful if you are using #math and #if, and setting a lot of variables, so you don't keep getting the Variable Set messages. example: #message {variable} toggles whether messages dealing with variables will be shown. #message {variable} {1} toggles it to be TRUE. See also: #action, #variable, ... ~NOP format: #nop [string] A null operation, is ignored by the client. It is useful for commenting in your coms file, any text after the nop and before a semicolon or end of line is ignored. example: #nop This is the start of my autoactions #ifexits {myvar} {#nop} else {#var myvar 0} ~ORD format: #ord {variable} {string} Note: this name is from similar Perl function. Converts the 1st character of string to its ascii code and assign it to variable. See similar Perl function ord(). See also: #chr ~PING2 format: #ping2 [0] Pseudo ping, using telnet sequence TIMING(0x06). #ping 0 to force reset upon network timeout. Note: MudOS and most Unix hosts support it. Some MudOS needs to send a "\n" after that. #ping2 not work with some Mud that does not implement some basic telnet response, as an alternate, use system pseudo variable $_msec and some self-made actions to do similar work. Example: #al PING2 {#ping2;#al ping2Act #nop;#al ping2Act %0;#act {^#TELNET PSEUDO PING RESPONSE: %0 ms}{#unact {^#TELNET PSEUDO PING RESPONSE: %0 ms};#var ping2 $0;ping2Act}} #al riskyAction1 {PING2 {#if {$ping2<300}{#bell;#show HERE WE GO!;some-action...} else {#show TOO LAG, LET'S PLAY SAFE}}} See also: #telnet ~PATH format: #path Show your current path. ~PATHDIR format: #pathdir {odd_dir} {what speedwalk should interpret it as} New for v1.5, this command will allow those player who play on muds that have diag./odd directions to use speedwalk. example: #pathdir {nw} {nw} each time {nw} is excountered in the speedwalk, tintin++ will send a {nw} to the mud. ~PAUSE format: #pause [{seconds}] Description: This command will toggle specify pause mode. Example: #pause <= show the current pause mode #pause 0 <= toggle pause mode to OFF #pause 0.5 <= each command written to mud are buffered, sending out in 0.5 seconds interval See also: #sleep, #purge, #slow ~PRESUB format: #presub Toggle whether actions are processed before substitutes, or after. With presub on, actions are performed on the substituted buffer, and if you are gagging heavily, it will increase the speed of execution. There are also many times you don't want to check for actions on lines you have gagged, and this will allow that. See also: #action, #substitute, #gag ~PURGE format: #purge This will purge all pending commands that will otherwise send to mud by using #pause or #sleep command. Example: #purge <== same as #purge 1, clear the pending commands due to #pause, #sleep and #slow #purge 0 <== clear the pending commands due to #pause, #slow See also: #pause, #slow, #sleep ~PURIST format: #purist This currently works for Windows version or split mode under Unix version. Disable the default "local echo" mode. Commands typed will not show locally. See also: #unpurist ~RAW format: #raw usage: #raw test <= send "test" without newline appended example: #func chr {#chr _ {%%0};#res $_} #raw @chr{4} <= will send ctrl-D (^D 的十进制 ascii 码是 4) #raw @chr{27} <= will send ESC #raw @chr{1}d <= send ctrl-A, d ... see also: #toggle raw ~REDRAW format: #redraw If redraw is on, and you're not in split mode, the input line will be redrawn when any text arrives, or tintin++ prints any messages. This helps you avoid your input being spread out and unreadable when there is heavy text flow from the mud. In split mode, this variable is ignored. ~REMOVE format: #remove {filename} Delete a file. Variable _ is assigned 0 if the file is successfully deleted; otherwise set to -1. See help on C function: int remove( const char *path ); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~RENAME format: #rename {filename_old} {filename_new} Rename a file or directory. variable _ is set to 0 if it is successful, set to non-zero on error. See help on C function: int rename( const char *oldname, const char *newname ); See also: #fopen/#fclose, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #fputs, #fread, #fwrite, #remove, #rename, #sysecho ~RETAB format: #retab [tab_file] #retab allows you to re-load the tab completion file, default is tab.txt. See also: #tabadd, #tabdelete, #tablist, #tabsave, tab.txt ~RETURN format: #return Pop the last move off the top of the path, and move the opposite direction. ~READ format: #read {filename} or #read filename Reads a script/coms file into memory. The coms file is merged in with the currently loaded commands. Duplicate commands are overwritten. See also: #message read ~SAVEPATH format: #savepath {alias name} Save the current path to an alias, which can then be saved to a coms file. The alias name provided will be the new name of the alias to represent that path. Useful for after mapping to be able to get back to the place again. ~SESSION format: #session {session_id} {ip port} #session {session_id} #session Use this command to connect to mud, or show sessions already on. example: #session {temp} { 6666} This command will connect to 6666 with session_id "temp". Later if in any case session "temp" is not on the top, use #temp to bring it back. So it is recommended that do not use numbers as session_id since it conflicts with tintin's repeat command. When port is set to 0, instead of make a real connection, tintin++ create a dummy session connects to nowhere. This session is useful to keep auto-login, a feature lacked from tintin for long. In this case, the port field will be the 1st message shown when the dummy session was created. See also: #snoop ~SHOWME format: #showme {string} Display the string to the terminal, do not send to the mud. Useful for status, warnings, etc. example: #action {%0 ultraslays you} {#showme {###### argh! we were ultraslayed ######}} #chr _ESC 27 #al showg #showme {${_ESC}[32m%%0${_ESC}[2;37;0m} showg WHAT COLOR IS IT? <== show message in green ~SLEEP format: #sleep {seconds};other_commands Description: replace the hack of using #system sleep seconds to generate pauses. The advantages over #system sleep are: 1) seconds are nolonger limited by interger 2) the tintin will not hang for SECONDS 3) #purge command make it more flexible to use. NOTE: #10 {#10 practice;#sleep 3} won't work. if one wants to do so, can: #alias aa {#10 practice;#sleep 3;aa}, ofcoz in real case shall add variable control for jump out of the loop. See also: #pause, #purge, #slow ~SLOW format: #slow {interger} #slow 0: disable SLOW mode #slow 1: means when the server give 1 response (net packet), the client will send one more commands. (Compare to zmud, zMud need users' action to determine if the client will continute to send more commands, but in yTin, this is done automatically, although the server response might not be what was generated by user's last command, in most case it is much easier to use and sufficient). #slow 5: will send 5 command from queue when sever gives 1 response. The benefit is: when net is lag, it sends commands much faster than #slow 1, which is very like zmud's behavior. See also: #purge, #pause, #sleep ~SNOOP format: #snoop {session name} If there are multiple sessions active, this command allows you to see what is going on the the sessions that are not currently active. The lines of text from other sessions will be prefixed by 'session name%'. See also: #session ~SPEEDWALK format: #speedwalk [option] Toggle speedwalking on and off. Speedwalking allows you to type multiple directions not seperated by semicolons, and now it lets you prefix a direction with a number, to signify how many times to go that direction. When #toggle speedwalk 2, speedwalk will be in smart option, i.e., single nw, ne, sw, se, su, sd, ... will not be interpereted as n;w, n;e, s;w, s;e ... example: without speedwalk: s;s;w;w;w;w;w;s;s;s;w;w;w;n;n;w with speedwalk: 2s5w3s3w2nw NEW: replaced by #toggle speedwalk, example: #toggle speedwalk 0 ~SPLIT format: #split {line #} #split line # Unix: with a vt100 or ANSI emulator, this will allow you to set up a split screen. The keyboard input will be displayed in the bottom window, while mud text is displayed in the upper window. This requires a fairly decent emulator, but works on most I have tested. The screen will be split at the line indicated by line #, and should be around 3 lines above the bottom of the screen. When the enter key is pressed, the text will be sent to the mud, and also be echoed to the upper window. If the line # is negative, the screen will be split that many lines above the bottom of the console. This allows you to specify the height of the bottom window, while a positive line # lets you specify the height of the top window. If a line # isn't specified, the screen is split three lines above the bottom. examples: #split 35 split the screen at line 35. #split -3 split the screen three lines above the bottom. Note: split mode may mess up the scrollback buffer in some older terminal emulators. It has been tested and is compatible with XTerm, RXVT and Apple Terminal. It should be compatible with most modern emulators. ~STRIPANSI format: #stripansi {var1} {string2} Similar to #variable command, assign string2 to variable var1. In addition, #stripansi strips the ansi-code (colors et al) before assignment. See also: #variable, #toggle stripcolor ~STRNCMP format: #strncmp {string1} {string2} {interger N} Similar to C function strncmp(char* str1, char* str2, int n). Return value is 0 if string1 and string2 are same for the Nth beginning characters, nonzero if not same. See also: #strrchr, #strstr, #substr, #ord, #chr ~STRRCHR format: #strrchr {string1} {string2} Similar to C function strrchr(char* str, char ch). Reverse search of the 1st occurrence of char string2 (actually it is the 1st char of string2) in string1, then assign the 0 based index of string1 to the default variable $_. assign -1 to $_ if search does not match. (well, here we used some Perl convention.) See also: #strrchr, #strstr, #substr, #ord, #chr ~STRSTR format: #strstr {string1} {string2} Similar to C function strstr(char* str1, char* str2). Find the 1st occurence of str2 from str1, then return 0 based index of str1. Return value is assigned to $_. If there is no match, -1 is assigned to $_. See also: #strrchr, #strncmp, #substr, #ord, #chr ~SUBSTR format: #substr {string} {index1} {length} Similar to Perl function substr(). Currently is not as smart as Perl yet. Need specify explicitly 0 based index1 and length. When length is <0, will count from the tail. Return value is assigned to $_. example: #substr {01234567} {3} {4} will assign {3456} to $_. #substr {0123456789} {3} {-5} will assign {34} to $_ since the last 5 {56789} is truncated. Note: we do not need "strcat" command in yTin, #var {str1} {$str1$str2} will do it. See also: #strrchr, #strstr, #strncmp, #ord, #chr ~SUBSTITUTE format: #substitute [{text}] [{new text}] The [] signify optional arguments. Allows you to replace original text from the mud with different text, or delete it altogether. This is helpful for if you have a slow modem, or there is a lot of text sent during battles, and the like. the %0-9 variables can be used to capture text and use it as part of the new output, and the ^ char is valid to only check the beginning of the line for the text specified. If a . is the only character in the new text argument, if the line is matched, it will be deleted. If only one argument is given, all subs that match the string are displayed. The * char is valid in this instance. See help wildcard. If no argument is given, all subs are displayed. examples: #sub {leaves} {.} gag any line that has the word 'leaves' in it. #sub {^Zoe%0} {ZOE%0} any line that starts with the name Zoe will be replaced by a line that starts with 'ZOE' #sub {%0massacres%1} {%0MASSACRES%1} replace all occurrences of 'massacres' with 'MASSACRES' See also: #gag, #action, #presub ~SYSTEM format: #system {command} [{option}] Executes the command specified as a shell command. The name of the system command can be changed in tintin.h for your security. #system {command} {option} options: (default is 0) option 1: add "> tintin.out", then show the contents of tintin.out in yTin screen (can be actioned). option 0: do not apprend " > tintin.out" to cmdline, default TinTin++ style. Under unix, this will show stdout, but will not be able to set action on the stdout. Notice: if use some commands like vi, please DONOT use option {1}. NEW from yTin1.82 (windows): #system perl {} This will try to call perl56.dll and will not show annoying DOS prompt. Limit: NO stdin/stdout/stderr yet, but one can always let the perl script write to a file, then use #sysecho to show on the screen, or #read/#textin to execute the command. See also: #sysecho, #syscat, #system2 ~SYSTEM2 format: #system2 {command} Executes the command as a new process. The current ytin won't wait till the new process terminates. For Windows only. Example: #system c:/progra~1/ytin/ytin.exe #system {"c:\\program files\\ytin\\ytin.exe"} #system {c:/progra~1/ytin/ytin.exe "c:\\my documents\\tintinrc.txt"} See also: #system ~SYSCAT format: #syscat {filename} This is a handy port for #system cat filename. It was not nice to use #system cat/type under Windows version; for portability of your scripts and speed, it is recommended that you use #syscat instead of #sys cat. (Plus: messages from #syscat will be actioned.) See also: #sysecho, #system ~SYSECHO format: #sysecho {string} {>} {filename} #sysecho {string} {>>} {filename} This is a handy port for #system echo string > filename. It was not nice to use #system echo under Windows version; for portability of your scripts and speed, it is recommended that you use #sysecho instead of #sys echo. #sysecho has another feature: if the filename contains directory info, it will try to create the last layer of directory for you. See also: #fclose/#fopen, #feof, #fseek, #fgets, #log |
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~TABADD format: #tabadd {word} Adds a word to the end of the tab completion list. See also: #tabdelete, #retab, #tablist, #tabsave, tab.txt ~TABDELETE format: #tabdelete {word} Deletes a word from the tab completion list. See also: #tabadd, #retab, #tablist, #tabsave, tab.txt ~TABLIST format: #tablist Displays all words in the tab completion list. See also: #tabadd, #tabdelete, #retab, #tabsave, tab.txt ~TABSAVE format: #tabsave [tab_completion_file] Save the current tab list into the tab completion file (default is tab.txt). See also: #retab, #tabadd, #tabdelete, #tablist ~TELNET format: #telnet {number} #telnet {telnet sequence symbol} Send the telnet sequence. Example: #telnet AYT <== send AYT (are you there) to the host, MudOS will reply [-YES-], other hosts may vary #telnet ? <== request help, advanced users c.f. telnet RFC for details See also: #ping2, #raw ~TEXTIN format: #textin {filename} Textin now allows the user to read in a file, and send its contents directly to the mud. Useful for doing online creation, or message writting. #read will parse tintin commands and alias et al, and interprete the 1st char as TINTIN_CHAR, #textin will not do any parsing. See also: #read ~TICK format: #tick Show seconds until next tick. See also: #tickoff, #tickon, #tickset, #ticksize, #action ~TICKOFF format: #tickoff Turn off the tintin++ built in tick counter. See also: #tick, #tickon, #tickset, #ticksize, #action ~TICKON format: #tickon Turn on the tintin++ built in tick counter. Example: #ticksize 5 #tickon #action {^#TICK!!!} {some-actions...} See also: #tick, #tickoff, #tickset, #ticksize, #action ~TICKSET format: #tickset Turn on the tintin++ tickcounter, and set time until next tick equal to tick size. See also: #tickoff, #tickon, #tick, #ticksize, #action ~TICKSIZE format: #ticksize number Set a new time, in seconds, between ticks for the tintin++ tickcounter. See also: #tickoff, #tickon, #tickset, #tick, #action ~TOLOWER format: #tolower var text Just like the #variable command, only it converts the text to lowercase before assigning it to the variable. See also: #toLower, #toupper, #toUpper ~toLower format: #toLower var text Example: #toLower v1 {ABCD EFG} <== v1 is now {aBCD EFG} See also: #tolower, #toupper, #toUpper ~TOGGLE format: #toggle {setting} [{absolute_value}] It is actually both toggle and set Available toggle settings: #toggle big5 <= handles BIG5 encoding's problem #toggle echo <= same as #echo #toggle ignore <= same as #ignore #toggle presub <= same as #presub #toggle prompt_on #toggle raw <= pernament interactive mode (windows version) see also: #raw, use windows menu to toggle off Note: when ESC is mapped to boss key, to send real ESC, use ctrl-[. Macroes still works after toggle raw 1, alias only works for actions et al. Interactive mode is temporarily off when no sessions. #toggle redraw <= same as #redraw #toggle skiptelnetseq <= by default, yTin handles most telnet sequence specified by telnet RFCs. skiptelnetseq=1: skip local/remote echo negotiation skiptelnetseq=2: skip termtype negotiation more to come if needed ... Example: #toggle skiptelnetseq 3 (3=1+2) will skip termtype and echo negotiation #toggle speedwalk <= same as #speedwalk #toggle stripcolor <= toggle if stripcolor before action or not #toggle ticker_in_split <= disable the ticker on split line #toggle togglesubs <= same as #togglesubs #toggle verbatim <= same as #verbatim It is recommended to use #toggle command when it is available, in later version other old commands that can be replaced by toggle might be no longer available. ~TOGGLESUBS format: #togglesubs Toggle whether substitutes should be ignored. If subs are ignored, text will not be checked for subs, but highlights will still be checked for. See also: #substitute, #highlight ~TOUPPER format: #toupper var text Just like the #variable command, only it converts each character in the text to uppercase before assigning it to the variable. See also: #toUpper, #tolower, #toLower ~toUpper format: #toUpper var text Example: #toUpper v1 charlie <== v1 is now {Charlie} See also: #toupper, #tolower, #toLower ~UNACTION format: #unaction {string} #unaction string Remove action(s) from the action list which match {string}. The '*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text. See help wildcard. examples: #unaction {%0tells you%1} remove the action that is triggered by '%0tells you%1' #unaction * remove all actions #unaction {*massacre*} remove all actions that contain the word 'massacre' See also: #action, #message action ~UNALIAS format: #unalias {word} #unalias word Remove alias(es) from the alias list which match {word}. The '*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text. See help wildcard. examples: #unalias {bbb} remove the alias 'bbb' #unalias * remove all aliases #unalias {*go*} remove all aliases that contain the fragment 'go' See also: #alias, #message alias ~UNANTISUBSTITUTE format: #unantisubstitute {string} #unantisubstitute string Remove antisub(s) from the antisub list which match {string}. The '*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text. See help wildcard. examples: #unantisub {%0tells you%1} remove the antisub for '%0tells you%1' #unantisub * remove all antisubs #unantisub {^You*} remove all antisubs that start with '^You' See also: #antisubstitute ~UNGAG format: #ungag {string} #ungag string Exactly the same as #unsubstitute, '#help unsubstitute' for info. See also: #gag, #unsubstitute ~UNSUBSTITUTE format: #unsubstitute {string} #unsubstitute string Remove substitute(s) from the substitute list which match {string}. The '*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text. See help wildcard. examples: #unsub {%0tells you%1} remove the sub for '%0tells you%1' #unsub * remove all subs #unsub {^You*} remove all subs that start with '^You' See also: #ungag, #substitute, #gag ~UNHIGHLIGHT format: #unhighlight {string} #unhighlight string Remove highlight(s) from the highlight list which match {string}. The '*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text. See help wildcard. examples: #unhigh {%0tells you%1} remove the highlight for '%0tells you%1' #unhigh * remove all highlights #unhigh {^You*} remove all highlights that start with '^You' See also: #highlight ~UNMACRO see also: #macro, #boss, #alias, #unalias ~UNPATH format: #unpath Remove the most recent move from the current path. See also: #path ~UNPURIST format: #unpurist This currently works for Windows version or split mode under Unix version. Enable the default "local echo" mode. Commands typed will show locally. See also: #purist ~UNSPLIT format: #unsplit Exit split mode, and set the screen back to its default terminal settings. See also: #split ~UNVARIABLE format: #unvariable {variable name} #unalias variable name Remove variable(s) from the variable list which match {variable name}. The '*' character will act as a wildcard and will match any text. See help wildcard. examples: #unvar {hp} remove the variable $hp #unvar * remove all variables #unvariable {xx*} remove all variables that start with 'xx' See also: #variable, #message variable ~VARIABLE format: #variable {<variable_name>} {<text to fill variable>} There are a few kind of variables for your convenience: default variable _: it is used to hold some return values of function like commands. Example: #strlen {abcd}, after that, $_ is 4. local variables: regular variables that does not begin with _. (exception: default variable _ is local variable.) example: $v1, $v2{$u}, ${Tom Clap} global variables: variables that begin with _ and longer than 1. Example: _id is shared by all sessions in the same yTin window. It is useful to pass variables between sessions and/or keep variable when one session died. pseudo/system variables: _random: a random number from 0-MAXRANDOM. _clock: time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970. _time/time: time in seconds, since this copy of yTin started running. _msec: time in milli-seconds, since this copy of yTin started running. HOME: the $HOME environment under Unix/Windows The reason call it pseudo variable is: #variable command does not show it correctly, and you cannot overwrite the value. Whenever this variable get parsed, it will be the system value. For example, "#var HOME" does not show there is a variable "HOME", while "#showme $HOME" will show the correct value. Since these are completely new to tintin, and act differently than anything else, I feel should spend some time on them. These variables differ from the %0-9 in the fact that you could specify a full word as a variable name, and they stay in memory for the full session, unless they are changed, and they can be saved in the coms file, and can be set to different values if you have 2 or more sessions running at the same time. One of the best uses for variables I think is for spellcasters. Currently, you would set up a bunch of aliases like the following. #alias {flame} {cast 'flame strike' %0} #alias {flash} {cast 'call lightning' %0} #alias {harm} {cast 'harm' %0} With the new variables you can do the following: #alias {targ} {#var target %0} #alias {flamet} {flame $target} #alias {flasht} {flash $target} #alias {harmt} {harm $target} these aliases will be defined just as they are written, the variables are not substituted for until the alias is found in your input and executed. so, if before a battle, you do a: targ donjonkeeper then $target is set to donjonkeeper, and any alias you set up with $target in it will substitute donjonkeeper for every instance of $target. Let's say your leader has the following alias set up. #alias {setttarg} {#var {target} {%0};gt target=%0} if he did a settarg lich, it would set his $target to lich, and would send a: <name> tells your group 'target=lich' you could then set an action like so. #action {^%0 tells your group 'target=%1'} {targ %1} then when your leader executed his alias, it would also set your variable to the target. Another use for variables would be to set a variable $buffer to whoever the current buffer is. This would be useful in fights where the mob switches, or where many rescues are needed. You could set up healing aliases with $buffer in them, and set the $buffer variable in an action that is triggered by each switch, and each rescue, or just rescues, or whatever. Then in a confusing battle, you will have a better shot at healing the right person. See also: #math, #var2alias, #unvariable ~VAR2ALIAS format: #var2alias {alias_to_assign} {$variable_to_convert} example: #variable {hi} {good morning!} #variable {test_var} {tell chitchat $hi;tell chitchat help} #var2al {test_alias} {$test_var} Alias {test_alias} now is: {tell chitchat $hi;tell chitchat help} #var2al {test_alias} {$test_var wanted!} Alias {test_alias} now is: {tell chitchat $hi;tell chitchat help wanted!} See also: #al2variable, #alias, #variable ~VERBATIM format: #verbatim Toggle verbatim mode on and off. When in verbatim mode, text will not be parsed, and will be sent 'as is' to the mud. Tab completion and history scrolling are still available in verbatim mode. It is helpful for writing messages, doing online creation, and the like. Shortcut is the TINTIN_CHAR, default is #, some others like to set it to . or / See also: #textin ~VERSION format: #version Show the version number of tintin++ that you are currently running. New from 1.80e3: will also force telnet terminal type. ~WHILE format: #while {CONDITION} {COMMANDS} Please be cautious not to create infinite loops. :D Example: #var {counter} {256} #while {$counter > 1} {#showme {$counter} ; #math {counter} {$counter / 2}} ~WIZLIST format: #wizlist Lists the names of people who helped with with mudding, and with the client. If you feel your name should be here, let me know, so many people have contributed, and it's hard to name everyone. ~WRITE format: #write {filename} #write filename Writes all current actions, aliases, subs, antisubs, highlights, and variables to a coms file, specified by filename. See also: #writesession ~WRITESESSION format: #writesession {filename} #writesession filename Write all current actions, aliases, subs, antisubs, highlights, and variables that are specific to your current session to a file. This means actions that were not defined when there was no session active. See also: #write ~ZAP format: #zap Kill your current session. If there is no current session, it will cause the program to terminate. See also: #end ~SUSPEND format: #suspend Unix only (buggy?): Temporarily suspends tintin++ and returns you to your shell. The effect of this command is exactly as if you had typed control-z. To return to tintin++, type "fg" at the shell prompt. ~WILDCARD NOTE: #wildcard is not a TinTin command, this is just a help on using wildcard. format: #command {regexp} You may use wildcards with certain commands such as #alias, #action, #substitute, #unalias, etc. In commands like #alias, wildcards are only valid when you use exactly one argument. Wildcards are always valid for commands like #unalias. The only wildcard currently supported is *, which matches any string 0 or more characters long. The wildcard meaning of * may be escaped using the backslash, \. Examples: #action {*miss*} shows all actions which contain the word miss in them #unaction {*miss*} removes all actions which contain the word miss in them #unaction {\*\*\* PRESS RETURN:} removes the action which triggers on the line *** PRESS RETURN: Many thanks to Spencer Sun for letting me steal some code for this... If anyone is interested in having full ls-style regexps, email me and maybe it'll be included in 2.0. ~SETPROMPT format: #setprompt {string} Unix: SetPrompt is a feature for split window mode (see #help split), which will take the status prompt from the mud, and display it on the status line of the split window. You would define <string> the same way you would an action (see #help action). See also: #clearprompt Windows: setprompt set the string on the status_bar at the bottom of window. ~CLEARPROMPT format: #clearprompt Unix only: ClearPrompt will turn off the prompt display to the split window. See also: #setprompt ~REVSTRING Command: revstring - reverses a string/stores it backwards Syntax: #revstring {dest var} {string} Example: #revs myname Happy Iny <-- stores 'ynI yppaH' in the variable 'myname' ~GETLISTLENGTH Command: getlistlength - returns the length of a list Syntax: #getlistlength {dest var} {list} Example: #variable alignlist {1 2 3} #getl Length {$alignlist} <--- returns 3 in the Length variable Another Example: #delimiter {;;} #var list {n;e;s;;get all;n;;e;e;s} #getl Length $list The delimiter ";;" breaks the $list into: {n;e;s}, {get all;n} and {e;e;s} three parts, thus Length variable is now 3. See also: #delimiter, #getitemnr ~GETITEMNR Command: getitemnr - retrieves specified element from a list (NEW) Syntax: #getitemnr {destination variable} {item number start from 0} {list} Example: #geti {dothis} {1} {smile {say Hi!} flip bounce} <--- sets dothis to 'say Hi!' Example: #getl Length {$rndsocial};#math itemnr $_random//$Length;#geti temp {$itemnr} {$rndsocial};{$temp} (will perform a random social from the 'rndsocial' list) Another Example: #delimiter {;;} #var list {n;e;s;;get all;n;;e;e;s} #geti {item2} {1} {$list} The delimiter ";;" breaks the $list into: {n;e;s}, {get all;n} and {e;e;s} three parts, thus the {item2} variable is now: {get all;n} See also: #delimiter, #getlistlength ~UNFUNCTION Command: unfunction - remove a function Syntax: #unfunction {func name} See also: #function ~RESULT Command: result - write a string to the function buffer Syntax: #result {-result-} Example: #func {ctof} {#math result %0*9/5+32;{#result $result degrees fahrenheit};#unvar result} #showme 30 degrees celsius equals @ctof{30}. Example: #func {ftoc} {#math result (%0-32)*5/9;{#result $result degrees celsius};#unvar result} #showme 80 degrees fahrenheit equals @ftoc{80}. See also: #function ~*EOF* |
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